Yesterday we had a neighborhood Easter Egg Hunt at our neighbor’s house. She was nice enough to plan everything and stuff over 600 eggs (for 12 kids…they had a blast!). I offered to bring cupcakes.

Easter Chick Cupcakes
I had a lot of fun making them, and couldn’t believe how easy they were to decorate. I will be honest, I didn’t come up with the ideas by myself, I found them on the Betty Crocker website. They have so many cute ideas!
Carter and Cooper had a blast at the Easter Egg Hunt. Each child had to find a different color egg. Carter had bright yellow, Cooper had green. Carter thought that was pretty cool because they were John Deere colors. 🙂
The boys made quite the haul, lots of candy, stickers, toys, and rubber bugs (Carter traded most of his silly bands with a neighbor girl for all her rubber bugs).
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